Tuesday, May 10, 2016

I'm a horrible estimator...

Went out for a couple runs over the past week and did a horrendous job of guessing the distance of those runs. The first was written up in my last post, the "I need to finish Hill and Harbor" that turned into an 8 mile endeavor... Next up was a short run where I knocked off a little neighborhood of mostly patio homes tucked into a corner of Middle Rd and Rt 2.

Then we get into my problem area. My wife asked where I was running and when I'd be back - I said "Queen's Grant, and it's only 3-4 miles". Well, 5+ miles later...

Then yesterday I went out for what I thought might be 5-6 miles through the southern part of Stone Ridge. Nope, 7.6 miles. I think I'll just have to add 2 miles to every estimate that I don't meticulously measure via Map My Run or something like that.
Stone Ridge was my first run on the other side of Rt 2 EVER - I've biked over there a few times, but never run that way. Just the first of many...

I got a new Garmin late last week - an FR235 - which is very fun. More accurate than my old one (a 5 year old FR405CX) with many more bells and whistles - steps, heart rate, VO2 Max calculations, etc. It told me that I'd need 50+ hours to recover after my Queen's Grant run (I ran 24 hours later) and 72 hours after yesterday's Stone Ridge run (I'll probably run a short one today or tomorrow). I'm hoping those calculations are a result of my diminished aerobic capacity due to donating blood - it's supposed to take 16 weeks until my red blood cell count is all the way back to where it was before I donated - but I might just be oblivious to my true state of fitness :)

Here's the full map:

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