Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Whew, humid one yesterday. Only about 70 degrees but I actually wrung out my shirt at one point on the way home from my 6 1/2 mile run over to River Farm.
I think that knocks off all of Tanglewood, and I'm getting much closer to having the entire eastern part of EG finished. There are a few outliers off of Post that I hope to knock out this week, then the longer Rt 2 - Frenchtown - Post loop to close out the area north of Frenchtown and East of Rt 2/4.
As you can see from the map, the Western side consists of much more distance, but the density of the roads isn't even close.

I'll continue my commercial for dwMap - this thing is invaluable for my effort here. I map out a few courses in advance to ensure I'm covering dead ends and optimizing my route - limiting retracing my steps, for example - and then choose a route that's got the distance I'm feeling comfortable covering each day that I run. Definitely saves me from the problem I described a few posts ago, where I'm blindly guessing (and wildly underestimating) my distance and the duration of my runs.

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