Saturday, June 4, 2016

Solid week to knock out northeast

I finished up the area north of Frenchtown and East of Rt 4. Early in the week, I concentrated on a bunch of roads near Post, between Cedar and Sweet Twist. Then I took on a long run yesterday and covered the Middle / Rt 2 / Frenchtown / Post loop, finishing off the road behind Hilltop and a small dead end up behind Sweet Twist.

Here's this week's coverage area:

And the overall master view of coverage to date:

I'm now left with the scariest chunk, which is the long run down Rt 2 and the large areas across Rt 2. This thing is getting real now - no short runs left, unless you count the tiny road near ON Semiconductor on Rt 2 / Middle, or the mobile home park on Rt 2 across from Bostitch or whatever it is now (Toray, I believe?). The north end of Rt 2 is also available, but I was kinda hoping to save that for a short celebratory concluding run :)

Stats to date: I started this foray on Feb 23, but it was still winter so I had a bunch of treadmill runs in late Feb and March that didn't provide any progression on the map. So far, I've had 30 EG runs for a total of 152.51 miles, which is an average of 5.08 miles per run. The mileage and average per run will certainly be climbing quickly given the areas I have left to complete.

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