Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Too soon for another long one...

Off the high of my 15+ miler on Sunday, I figured "No problem, I'll do 13+ on Tuesday, 13+ on Thursday, and my 17 on Saturday and end this thing right now". I even said as much to a friend at work. My quads felt a bit tired last night, but I got up early and felt good so I headed out the door. Just wasn't in the cards for me today - my MP3 player died less than halfway into my run and my legs just didn't have it. I completed the run - 12.6 in total because one of the roads turned out to be mostly private - but I walked a good portion of it (most of Rt 2 on the return leg).

So, time for a new plan... maybe the long one Friday night and the final 13ish miler next Tuesday? The constraint is that the 17 miler has to be a weekend or it impacts the start of work - Friday night might work if I can duck out a little early.

You may be wondering... What makes a road "private"? There are a few things that I use when making that decision (many of which are no-brainers):

  1. A sign that says "Private," "Residents Only," or the like
  2. A sign that says "No pedestrians" (think of the signs you see on highway on-ramps)
  3. Turnpikes or other barricades across the road - the maps all show "roads" existing around the Toray building on Rt 2 (old Bostitch building) as well as roads inside the Fogarty National Guard complex; guards at the gates of both of these places make them decidedly private
  4. A slew of mailboxes at the entry - I've ignored this sometimes, but in general, if the mailman doesn't venture down the road, I consider it to be a private road
  5. A glorified driveway - if it's a long, winding "road" that leads to a business (think St Elizabeth's assisted living facility, across from Hilltop on Post Rd), it's not a road; it's a driveway and shouldn't be called out on maps as a road
The shortened run today was a result of #4 - there was what looked to be a small cul-de-sac with 6 or so mailboxes at the entrance, but a long "road" disappeared into the woods at the end of the faux cul-de-sac. Given the location of the mailboxes, it seemed like an intrusion of the residents' privacy if I were to venture down the road, so I cut it short.

Today's new coverage:

Overall map (today's area is in the bottom left):

Shaded map:

Totals to date: 47 runs, 319.4 miles, 6.80 average. 30.9 miles remaining, potentially over just 2 runs.

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